by now i would expect the folks at work to know that i can meet a deadline, but since the big boss wants this invoice redesign to be live by the time our new computer system goes live, i get pressured. he's got my immediate supervisor on my case and today it's really grating on my nerves.
right now, most of what i need to do has me waiting to hear back from computer programmers from two different companies before i can make progress. o.0 when i get bored, i try to find another project to do, only to get nagged at that i should put that down and work on the invoice, the one project where i can't make progress until i hear from other people. it's enough to make me go postal, (but i won't. i need the rent money.)
someone there though must have sympathy for she showed me a classified for a local graphic design position. if i get a job offer and it at least matches what i am currently earning, i'll take it. no second thoughts, no regrets. i'll be working on the resume tonight.
need i also mention that i haven't had a raise in pay since that first 90 day trial period when i first started 2 years ago...*grrr*
i've had it up to here with someone at work thinking they gotta hold my hand to get a deadline met after i've been here for two years and have yet, to my knowledge, to miss a deadline.
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