
road trip
i borrowed ken's laptop and gps for the drive to and from texarkana. armed with it and directions on how to navigate little rock from sandy, my trip was a breeze and the gps served as an electronic security blanket boosting my confidence as i drove. i'm proud of myself for driving that far and back again. very tired and exhausted but proud.

i arrived around 3:40pm and had no troulbe checking in and finding my room and unpacking. i call the 'rents and ken letting them know that i arrived safely.
then i got bored and hungry. thank god for ken's gps. i found a chili's next to a micheal's and a book-a-million. i got a book to read so my eyes would have somethign to look at during dinner. i didn't go into micheal's like i wanted. i decided i didn't need to spend the money on more art supplies when i have plenty of them already.

i got alittle turned around on the way back to the hotel, but i made it.

the night before, ken and i downloaded an atari 2600 emulater and loads of games. i organized them into where they were supposed to go to run on the emulator and then sat back and played a little. some games like combat and breakout i could figure out how to start. and sometimes, the joysticks and paddles controlers and better than the keyboard. they just make the game ya know...
ken found his old atari 2600 in the attic. he needs some controllers but i believe the games are already in osceloa just waiting to be palyed. yay!

well, i guess the batteries ken got me were bad, because even though i stuck in fresh batteries in the gps unit, it refused to connect to the satellites. uh-oh. i needed to get to work that morning on time. well, the prs program at least showed a map of were to go, but didn't log my progress. dang, that street broke into two one ways! oy!
but i made it right on time and the meeting went well. ads will get a slight redesign, i'm will get more marketing and advertising duties. like being the head of it. 0.o
i have 30 days to learn some morea nd get some ads redone. wish me luck!

the drive home was long, but uneventful. ken called to track my progress and jo had dinner ready when i got home. thank god for roommates and friends that cook. 8^)
i now have some extra hours on the clock due to my trip. i slept in an extra hour this morning. >8^D hee!

now, i need to find some more info on marketing...

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