
defiying gravity
been listening to that song from "Wicked" quite a bit today.
it's helped me put things from this past year into an upbeat perspective today.
"Something has changed within me
Something is not the same
I'm through with playing by the rules
Of someone else's game
Too late for second-guessing
Too late to go back to sleep
It's time to trust my instincts
Close my eyes: and leap!

It's time to try
Defying gravity
I think I'll try
Defying gravity
And you can't pull me down!"
hell, yeah i miss him. always will, always do.
but i can't mope every second. part of me feels guilty when i don't, however i just have to live. it's all i know how to do.

i think starting to log things in here again will help. i've been trying to reserve my lj for art only.

since i started knitting, hillary, q and the gang have been getting together on tuesdays for a knit/draw/whatever night. it's been great fun for me.
q helped me start a pattern tonight. *i'm learning to read patterns! yay!* i'm doing this one with this yarn that q gave me way back when i started knitting a few months ago.
the gang is getting together at hillary's on friday. looking forward to it.

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