
that was good food! i loves me some chinese grub! 8^)
i promised jeremy that we could do lunch at the king and i, the new thai resturant, tomorrow.

i just wish i could remember what my fortune cookie said...i forgot to bring it back to the office. it was funny.
especially when you added "in bed." to the end of it.
i wonder what my love is upto right now...
he would have liked it. 8^)P

it was cool listening to jeremy and his fellow geek, ken (no, not that ken...this is a different one,) do their geek thing,
talk about movies we thought'd be cool and such and receiting lines from, Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
i felt like i was accepted into the geek fold.
it was quite spiffy. in fact jeremy said he was gonig to inlist me into I.T. for finding and downloading a driver
to the i.d. card printer all on my own. i think i'm a little underqualified for that, but i do know more than some
of the folks here at the jonesboro branch...

we did, of course, complain of the backwardness of my homestate, and how bad the internet connections are here, on our way back to the office.
and it seems when showing the company heads prices for T1 connections and what they have (dinky 56k LAN lines) they say,
"well what we got is cheaper and i don't see why we have to change. the employees don't need to be on the internet anyway..." all they look at is $$$.
*sigh* backwards thinking is not good. the "if it's not broke, don't fix it," philosophy doesn't work when applied to computer and internet technology.

A mØØsÉ once bit my sister...

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